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Tuesday 21 October 2008

MDT Properties

Properties that can be overwritten (last value wins) and are automatically set by the BDD scripts
Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
DeployRoot string TRUE The UNC path to the deployment share
ResourceRoot string TRUE The UNC path to resources (drivers, packages) kept separate from the deployment share
DeployDrive string TRUE The drive letter mapped to the deployment share (Lite Touch only)
ResourceDrive string TRUE The drive letter mapped to resources (drivers, packages) kept separate from the deployment share (Lite Touch only)
DeploymentMethod string TRUE The method being used for the deployment (NETWORK, MEDIA, OSD, etc.)
DeploymentType string TRUE The type of deployment (NEWCOMPUTER, REFRESH, REPLACE, UPGRADE) being performed
DeploySystemDrive string TRUE The drive (e.g. C:) that Windows should be deployed to
DestinationDisk string TRUE Disk Number that the image will be deployed to
DestinationPartition string TRUE Disk Partition that the image will be deployed to
DestinationLogicalDrive string TRUE Logical Drive that the image will be deployed to
DestinationVariable string TRUE Variable that contains the logical drive that the image will be deployed to

Properties that cannot be overwritten (first value wins)
Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
UserID string FALSE User ID used for connecting to network paths
UserDomain string FALSE Domain for the user ID used to connect to network paths
UserPassword string FALSE Password for the user ID used to connect to network paths
UDShare string FALSE User data share used for capturing user state to a network path
UDDir string FALSE Directory on the user data share where user state should be placed
UDProfiles string FALSE List of profiles that should be captured by USMT as part of the user state
SLShare string FALSE Script log share where all BDD scripts should be copied at the end of the deployment process
EventShare string FALSE Event share UNC where all BDD scripts should write events for MOM management pack
OSInstall string FALSE Flag to indicate whether this machine is authorized for an OS deployment (if set, it must be YES or Y to proceed)
ComputerName string FALSE The new computer name to assign to the computer
OSDComputerName string FALSE The new computer name to assign to the computer (used with ConfigMgr)
Home_Page string FALSE The Internet Explorer home page that should be used on the computer
JoinDomain string FALSE The name of the domain that should be joined (do not set if using JoinWorkgroup)
JoinWorkgroup string FALSE The name of the Workgroup that should be joined (do not set if using JoinDomain)
DomainAdmin string FALSE Account used to join to Domain (may be in 'Domain\UserName' or 'UserName@Domain.com' format)
DomainAdminDomain string FALSE Domain of Account used to join to Domain (Vista Only, must be blank if 'DomainAdmin' conains domain)
DomainAdminPassword string FALSE Password of Account used to join to Domain
MachineObjectOU string FALSE The OU that should be used when the computer is joined to the domain (only if the computer account does not already exist)
OSDINSTALLSILENT string FALSE OSD flag to indicate that no OSD new computer wizard should be displayed
OSDINSTALLPACKAGE string FALSE OSD variable to indicate which SMS OSD package should be installed (only used for new computer)
OSDINSTALLPROGRAM string FALSE OSD variable to indicate which program should be used for the specified OSD package (only used for new computer)
OSDNEWMACHINENAME string FALSE OSD variable that specifies the computer name that should be assigned (only used for new computer)
ScanStateArgs string FALSE Command line arguments that should be added to the USMT Scanstate command line
LoadStateArgs string FALSE Command line arguments that should be added to the USMT Loadstate command line
ComputerBackupLocation string FALSE Specifies where the computer backup should be stored (AUTO, NETWORK, NONE, specific path, default is AUTO)
BackupShare string FALSE Network share (UNC) where the computer backup should be stored
BackupDir string FALSE Directory on the network share where the computer backup should be stored
BackupDrive string FALSE Drive to include in the backup (defaults to the drive with disk 0 partition 1, can be set to ALL)
UserDataLocation string FALSE Full path to the USMT user state store that should be restored onto a particular machine
DoCapture string FALSE Flag to indicate that the machine should be Sysprepped and captured as a new WIM image
ProductKey string FALSE Product key string that should be inserted into unattend.xml, sysprep.inf, or unattend.txt
OverrideProductKey string FALSE Multiple activation key (MAK) that should be applied after Windows Vista is deployed
WDSServer string FALSE Name of the WDS server that should be used when installing WDS images (default is the server that contains the original image)
CaptureGroups string FALSE Specifies whether to capture the local group membership from the machine (default is YES; ALL can also be specified)
AdminPassword string FALSE Specifies the local administrator password to assign (default is to use existing value)
OrgName string FALSE Specifies the organization name (default is none)
FullName string FALSE Specifies the full name (default is none)
TimeZone string FALSE TimeZone Identifier for Windows XP Builds (example: PST = 004 )
TimeZoneName string FALSE TimeZone Identifier for Windows Vista Builds (example: PST = 'Pacific Standard Time')
TaskSequenceID string FALSE TaskSequence ID used to automate LTI/ZTI build selection (default is blank)
BuildID string FALSE Build ID used to automate LTI/ZTI build selection (default is blank)
InputLocale string FALSE Locale used for Keyboard, (XP only, example: 0409:00000409, default is OS Default)
KeyboardLocale string FALSE Locale used for Keyboard, can be either 0409:00000409 or en-US format (default is OS Default)
UserLocale string FALSE Locale used for user when logged in, en-US format (default is OS Default)
UILanguage string FALSE Default Locale used for OS before user is logged in, en-US format (default is OS Default)
Xresolution string FALSE The Horizontal Resolution of the screen (example: 1024, default is OS Default)
Yresolution string FALSE The Vertical Resolution of the screen (example: 768, default is OS Default)
BitsPerPel string FALSE The Color Depth of the screen in Bits Per Pixel (example: 32, default is OS Default)
Vrefresh string FALSE The vertical Refresh rate of the monitor in Hz (example: 60, default is OS Default)
AreaCode string FALSE Area code for the computer's location.
CountryCode string FALSE Country/region code to use for telephony.
LongDistanceAccess string FALSE Number to dial to gain access to an outside line, such as 9.
Dialing string FALSE Type of dialing to use for the telephony device in the computer, such as 'Tone' or 'Pulse' (XP only).
OSDBitLockerMode string FALSE Specifies the type of BDE install. (KEY|TPMKey|TPMPin|TPM)
BdeInstallSuppress string FALSE Boolean to indicate whether a BDE Install should be attempted.
BdeInstall string FALSE (Deprecated) Specifies the type of BDE install. (KEY|TPMKey|TPMPin|TPM)
OSDBitLockerTargetDrive string FALSE Specifies the drive to be encrypted (default OS Drive)
OSDBitLockerStartupKeyDrive string FALSE Specifies the location of Key files (Drive)
BdeKeyLocation string FALSE (Deprecated) Specifies the location of Key files (Drive)
OSDBitLockerCreateRecoveryPassword string FALSE Indicates whether a recovery password should be generated for AD.
BdeRecoveryKey string FALSE (Deprecated) Indicates whether a recovery password should be generated for AD.
OSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption string FALSE Boolean (any value) indicated whether process should be held to wait for drive encryption to complete.
BdeWaitForEncryption string FALSE (Deprecated) Boolean (any value) indicated whether process should be held to wait for drive encryption to complete.
BdeDriveLetter string FALSE Drive Letter for BDE partition (default S:)
BdeDriveSize string FALSE Drive size for BDE partition (default 2048MB)
BdePin string FALSE BdePin for TPMPin (numeric only)
WinREInstall string FALSE Install Windows Recovery Environment.
WinREDriveLetter string FALSE Drive Letter for BDE partition (default R:)
WinREDriveSize string FALSE Drive size for BDE partition (default 10000MB)
TpmOwnerPassword string FALSE Specifies the TPM Password for setting Ownership
OSDBitLockerRecoveryPassword string FALSE Specifies the password to use for BDE Password scenarios
OSDBitLockerStartupKey string FALSE Specifies the value to use for startup key.
OSDMP string FALSE OSD variable to indicate which SMS management point should be used (only needed for new computer)
OSDSITECODE string FALSE OSD variable to indicate which SMS site code should be used (only needed for new computer)
ServerA string FALSE Server name to be used during the deployment process
ServerB string FALSE Server name to be used during the deployment process
ServerC string FALSE Server name to be used during the deployment process
USMTConfigFile string FALSE USMT configuration XML file that should be used when running Scanstate and Loadstate
WipeDisk string FALSE Specifies whether the disk should be wiped.
_SMSTSORGNAME string FALSE Customizes the Task Sequencer engine's display banner.
WsusServer string FALSE The URL of the WSUS server that should be used (optional, will use Windows Update or policyt settings by default)

Wizard control variables (first value wins)

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
SkipWizard string FALSE Flag to skip the deployment wizard altogether (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipCapture string FALSE Flag to skip the capture of an image (if set to YES, default is YES)
SkipAdminPassword string FALSE Flag to skip the Administrator User Account Password wizard page(if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipApplications string FALSE Flag to skip the wizard pane that asks for applications to be installed (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipAppsOnUpgrade string FALSE Flag to skip the wizard pane that asks for apps to be installed only for upgrades (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipComputerBackup string FALSE Flag to skip the computer backup wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipDomainMembership string FALSE Flag to skip the domain membership wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipComputerName string FALSE Flag to skip the Computer Name wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipDeploymentType string FALSE Flag to skip the initial deployment type wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipUserData string FALSE Flag to skip the user data wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipPackageDisplay string FALSE Flag to skip the packages (language packs) wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipLocaleSelection string FALSE Flag to skip the locale selection wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipProductKey string FALSE Flag to skip the product key wizard pane (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipSummary string FALSE Flag to skip the final wizard summary screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipFinalSummary string FALSE Flag to skip the Summary_Definition_XXX.xml screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBDDWelcome string FALSE Flag to skip the BDD Welcome screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipTimeZone string FALSE Flag to skip the TimeZone screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipTaskSequence string FALSE Flag to skip the Task Sequence (OS Selection) screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBuild string FALSE Flag to skip the Build (OS Selection) screen (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBitLocker string FALSE Flag to skip the BitLocker (if set to YES, default is blank)
SkipBitLockerDetails string FALSE Flag to skip BitLocker details screen (if set to YES, default is blank)

Action Properties (commonly defined within Management Console)
Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
OSDAdapterCount string FALSE Number of Adapters defined here( either blank, 0 or 1)
OSDAdapter0Name string FALSE If present, match all settings to the adapter with this name.
OSDAdapter0MacAddress string FALSE If present, match all settings to the adapter with this MAC address.
OSDAdapter0EnableDHCP string FALSE If false, will disable DHCP, otherwise True (true if blank).
OSDAdapter0IPAddressList string FALSE Comma delimited list of IPAddress Lists
OSDAdapter0SubnetMask string FALSE Comma delimited list of Subnet masks
OSDAdapter0Gateways string FALSE Comma delimited list of Gateway cost metrics
OSDAdapter0GatewayCostMetric string FALSE Comma delimited list of Gateway Cost MEtrics as either integers, or the string 'Automatic' (if empty, uses automatic)
OSDAdapter0DNSServerList string FALSE Comma delimited list of DNS Servers
OSDAdapter0DNSSuffix string FALSE DNS Suffix, example Frabrikam.com
OSDAdapter0EnableDNSRegistration string FALSE True/False to enable FULL DNS registration.
OSDAdapter0EnableFullDNSRegistration string FALSE True/False to enalbe DNS Registration
OSDAdapter0EnableLMHOSTS string FALSE True/False to enable LMHosts
OSDAdapter0EnableWINS string FALSE True/False to enable WINS
OSDAdapter0TcpipNetbiosOptions string FALSE NetBIOS OPtions 1 or 0
OSDAdapter0WINSServerList string FALSE Comma delimited list of WINS Servers
OSDAdapter0EnableTCPIPFiltering string FALSE True/False to enable TCP/IP Filtering.
OSDAdapter0TCPFilterPortList string FALSE Comma delimited list of TCP Filters
OSDAdapter0UDPFilterPortList string FALSE Comma delimited list of IDP Filters
OSDAdapter0IPProtocolFilterList string FALSE Comma delimited list of IP Protocol FIlters
OSDDiskIndex string FALSE Disk index used for Partitioning (Default is 0)
OSDPartitions string FALSE Number of Partitions listed here (Default is None, max of 2, use Default configuration)
OSDPartitions0TYPE string FALSE Type of partition (Default: Primary, can be Logical or extended)
OSDPartitions0FILESYSTEM string FALSE Type of File System (Default: NTFS, can be FAT32)
OSDPartitions0BOOTABLE string FALSE True/False - Is the partition bootalbe (default: True if 1st partition)
OSDPartitions0QUICKFORMAT string FALSE True/False - Shall the format be quick (default: True)
OSDPartitions0VOLUMENAME string FALSE Volume name
OSDPartitions0SIZE string FALSE Size of partition
OSDPartitions0SIZEUNITS string FALSE Size units of partition (default: MB, can be GB or %)
OSDPartitions0VOLUMELETTERVARIABLE string FALSE Variable Name to receive DriveLetter
OSDPartitions1TYPE string FALSE Type of partition (Default: Primary, can be Logical or extended)
OSDPartitions1FILESYSTEM string FALSE Type of File System (Default: NTFS, can be FAT32)
OSDPartitions1BOOTABLE string FALSE True/False - Is the partition bootalbe (default: True if 1st partition)
OSDPartitions1QUICKFORMAT string FALSE True/False - Shall the format be quick (default: True)
OSDPartitions1VOLUMENAME string FALSE Volume name
OSDPartitions1SIZE string FALSE Size of partition
OSDPartitions1SIZEUNITS string FALSE Size units of partition (default: MB, can be GB or %)
OSDPartitions1VOLUMELETTERVARIABLE string FALSE Variable Name to receive DriveLetter


Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
OSRoles string FALSE Comma-delimited list of role IDs to be installed
OSRoleService string FALSE Comma-delimited list of role service IDs to be installed
OSFeatures string FALSE Comma-delimited list of features to be installed

Configure ADDS

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
ReplicaOrNewDomain string FALSE Chooses whether the domain controller will be a replica or part of a new domain
NewDomain string FALSE Choice between a new forest or new domain in an existing tree or a new domain in a new tree
NewDomainDNSName string FALSE DNS domain name of new domain
ParentDomainDNSName string FALSE Parent DNS domain
ReplicaDomainDNSName string FALSE Replica DNS domain
ChildName string FALSE Name of child domain
DomainNetBiosName string FALSE NetBios Name
ForestLevel string FALSE Forest Level
DomainLevel string FALSE Domain functional level
AutoConfigDNS string FALSE Chooses to auto configure DNS
ConfirmGC string FALSE Chooses whether to Confirm communication to GC
CriticalReplicationOnly string FALSE Chooses to only replicate critical information
ADDSUserName string FALSE Username chosen to run dcpromo
ADDSUserDomain string FALSE Domain for user chosen to run dcpromo
ADDSPassword string FALSE Password for user chosen to run dcpromo
ReplicationSourceDC string FALSE DC used to replicate content
DatabasePath string FALSE Path to store the AD database
LogPath string FALSE Path to store the AD database logs
SysVolPath string FALSE Path to store the SYSVOL
SafeModeAdminPassword string FALSE Password used for safemode recovery
SiteName string FALSE AD SiteName

Configure DHCP

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
DHCPServerOptionRouter string FALSE Routers for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionDNSServer string FALSE DNS Server for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionWINSServer string FALSE WINS Server for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionDNSDomain string FALSE DNS domain for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionNBTNodeType string FALSE NBT NodeType for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPServerOptionPXEClient string FALSE PXE Client option for the DHCP Server Option
DHCPScopes string FALSE Number of DHCP Scopes to Configure
DHCPScopes0SubnetMask string FALSE Subnet mask for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0IP string FALSE IP Subnet for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0Name string FALSE Name for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0Description string FALSE Description for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0StartIP string FALSE Starting IP address the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0EndIP string FALSE Ending IP for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0ExcludeStartIP string FALSE Start of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0ExcludeEndIP string FALSE End of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionRouter string FALSE Router of the excluding IP range for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionDNSServer string FALSE DNS Server for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionWINSServer string FALSE WINS Server for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionDNSDomainName string FALSE DNS Domain Name for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionNBTNodeType string FALSE NBT Node Type for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionLease string FALSE Lease Duration for the first DHCP Scope
DHCPScopes0OptionPXEClient string FALSE PXE Client for the first DHCP Scope

Authorize DHCP

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
UserName string FALSE Username used to authorize DHCP
Password string FALSE Password used to authorize DHCP

Configure DNS

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
DNSZones string FALSE Number of DNS Zones to Configure
DNSZones0Name string FALSE Name of the first DNS Zone
DNSZones0Type string FALSE Type of Zone
DNSZones0MasterIP string FALSE Primary IP for the zone
DNSZones0DirectoryPartition string FALSE AD Partition to store the zone
DNSZones0FileName string FALSE File Name of the first DNS Zone
DNSZones0Scavenge string FALSE Enables scavenging
DNSZones0Update string FALSE Enables dynamic updates
DNSServerOptionDisableRecursion string FALSE Disables recursion on the DNS server
DNSServerOptionBINDSecondaries string FALSE Allows BIND secondaries
DNSServerOptionFailOnLoad string FALSE Toggles fail on load
DNSServerOptionEnableRoundRobin string FALSE Enables Round Robin
DNSServerOptionEnableNetmaskOrdering string FALSE Enables netmask ordering
DNSServerOptionEnableSecureCache string FALSE Enables cache security
DNSServerOptionNameCheckFlag string FALSE Name Check Flag

Configure WINS

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
WINSPartners string FALSE Number of WINS Partners to Configure
WINSPartners0Name string FALSE Name of the first WINS partner
WINSPartners0Type string FALSE Type of the WINS partner
WINSPartners0IP string FALSE IP address of the first WINS partner

Values used for SCCM Scenarios

Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
OSDImageIndex string FALSE Index of installation image within WIM (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDInstallEditionIndex string FALSE Index of installation image within WIM (Used for OEM Scenario).
ConfigFileName string FALSE Filename of config file (example: unattend.xml (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDAnswerFilePath string FALSE path for answer file (example: c:\unattend.xml) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDImageCreator string FALSE User ID of installation account (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDInstallType string FALSE Installation Type (example: SysPrep ) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDTargetSystemDrive string FALSE Disk Drive used to install OS (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDTargetSystemRoot string FALSE Install path for OS (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDisk string FALSE Disk drive used to install OS, typically written by ZTIDiskPart.wsf (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSVersionNumber string FALSE OS Major and Minor version number (example: 6.0) (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSArchitecture string FALSE OS CPU Architecture Type (example: x86 or x64) (Used for OEM Scenario).
ImagePackageID string FALSE Package ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
InstallPackageID string FALSE Package ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
OSDImagePackageID string FALSE Package ID for the OS image to install (Used for OEM Scenario).
ConfigFilePackage string FALSE Package ID for the Configuration Package to use for installation (Used for OEM Scenario).


Property ID Type Overwrite ? Description
Packages list
List of SMS packages that should be installed
Applications list
List of applications (GUIDs) that should be installed
MandatoryApplications list
List of applications (GUIDs) that will be installed
Administrators list
List of groups and users to add to the Administrators group
PowerUsers list
List of groups and users to add to the Power Users group
DriverPaths list
Driver path UNCs that should be used (no default)
DriverGroup list
Driver groups that should be used (default is All Drivers)
StorageDriverGroup list
Storage Driver groups that should be used for XP/2003 (default is All Drivers)
StorageDriverSysPrepGroup list
Storage Driver groups that should be used XP/2003 during SysPrep (default is All Drivers)
DomainOUs list
Optional list of Domain OU's to be displayed to users.
USMTMigFiles list FALSE USMT XML files that should be used when running Scanstate and Loadstate
Groups list FALSE List of local security groups to capture and restore (default is 'Administrators' and 'Power Users')
LanguagePacks list
List of language packs (GUIDs) to be installed
PackageGroup list
Package groups that should be used (default is All Drivers)
Role list FALSE Specifies roles that should be assigned to the computer
Location list FALSE Locations for the computer (typicaly resolved via a database lookup based on the default gateway)
WUMU_ExcludeKB list
List of Windows Update/Microsoft Update patches to ignore (by associated KB Articles)
WUMU_ExcludeID list
List of Windows Update/Microsoft Update patches to ignore (by associated Update ID)